This game was created for the GJL Parade Fall game jam. The theme was "Left Behind" which we implemented by having the player play as a dog whose family went out without him. For this jam we were given a week to create the game and then a further three days to "polish".
I worked on all the level design and 3D models for the project.
For this project I used 3ds Max, Substance Painter and Unreal Engine 4.

When designing Titled Dog Game we discussed multiple options for interpreting left behind but settled on the idea of a dog who wakes up to find his family missing and must try to escape the house to go looking for them.
The idea would be that the dog would progress through the house by performing certain actions that would disturb the cat and as the cat ran away it would open up additional rooms for the dog to explore. The game would feature heavy elements of exploration and play as the player would be given no clear directions but was instead encouraged to take the multiple dog mechanics and see what they could do with them. This is why almost all items are movable in an effort to encourage players to mess about.
The core pillars of the game were exploration and "Play"

Here is the overall gameplay loop which shows the process of the player completing a specific action to unlock a new room to explore

When initially planning out the house I envisioned creating an upper floor to the house as well, but due to restrictions on time opted to design only the lower half of the house while blocking of access to the stairs. I also created the diagrams below to highlight the different beats of the game and how it would flow from start to finish.

Since I also created all of the 3D models for this project the models and UV's can be found below the screenshots from the game.

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Living Room Models


Ding Room Models


Kitchen Models
