Before starting the pier I headed down to the beach and gathered a bunch of source material for reference which can be seen below. I then began blocking it out and once complete starting adding the assets from the other artists. The environment consists of a mix of hand made assets as well as some megascans and free assets. This was because we only had a small turn around time on the project and it did not make sense to spend days on things like trees when we had megascans to hand.
I made the decision to include grey blockout versions of landmarks and other buildings in the backgrounds of this scene as until it was finished I had no idea which angles the artist was going to want to shoot the film from. By doing this it made the world much more 3D and believable and allowed the artist more freedom to shoot.
This project (both the pier and the arcade scene) was completed in 7 weeks. This included everything up to and including the final renders of the movie.
I used Unreal 4, 3ds Max and Substance Painter for the art.
I shot the volumetric capture using 4DViews system running HOLOSYS software.

Reference Material

Reference Material

Reference Material

Reference Material

Initial Blockout
Initial Blockout

Initial Blockout with lighting

Initial Blockout with lighting
My Assets (Engine Render)

Wireframes And UV's

My Assets (Engine Render)

Wireframes And UV's

My Assets (Engine Render)

My Assets (Engine Render)
Wireframes And UV's

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)
Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)
Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)
Final Environment (Engine Render)

Final Environment (Engine Render)